Energy poverty is a social phenomenon that affects an increasing number of people. It should be treated as one of the social problems. It is undeniably a multi-faceted phenomenon, touching both economic, health and social issues. Therefore, it is necessary to take significant steps which could counteract this phenomenon.
By improving the energy efficiency of buildings and apartments through better insulation and more efficient heating systems, we contribute to reducing energy bills and thus the financial condition of households. Energy prices are the basic factor shaping energy bills and the financial condition of households, and consequently their social position. Therefore, it is important to undertake systemic actions aimed at the energy price level, which help socially vulnerable groups to participate in the energy market, e.g. by enabling easier access to change energy supplier, and thus possibly choosing a more competitive offer.
Research centers are also joining the fight against fuel poverty. In the UK, Fuel Poverty magazine published a report indicating how many centers are researching fuel poverty. It also points to the need for a Energy Poverty Research Centre in the UK to co-ordinate ongoing research into fuel poverty to help households escape from fuel poverty. Higher education and the academic community therefore has a huge influence in combating this phenomenon as they can conduct social research with their resources to identify energy poor households.
The ongoing S3UNICA project in Europe is a natural part of the Smart Campus pilot project. The Smart Specialization University Campus project aims to highlight the role of universities in shaping regional innovation policies, by providing specialized research and technical expertise in the field of sustainable energy buildings, or by offering university campuses as a kind of practical laboratory where these innovative solutions can be implemented. Universities involved in the project can contribute to a regional exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of energy poverty research and mitigation. It is also expected that the project will contribute to a broader involvement of universities in the development and implementation of regional and local innovation strategies, including through specialized research and provision of expertise.
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